During my student teaching at Ithaca High School, these lesson plans were posted on this website for the benefit
of my students. If they missed part of the lesson, they could go to my website to see what they had missed.
3-1 Arithmetic Operations on Functions
3-2 Composition and Inverses of Functions
3-3 The Logic of Equation Solving
3-4: The Intermediate Value Theorem
3-5 The Logic of Inequality Solving
3-6 Solving Equations by Chunking or Factoring
Lesson Plan 3-5 and 3-6 Review
3-7: Solving Inequalities by Factoring
3-8: Graphs, Transformations, and Solutions
Quiz 3.5-3.8
Quiz 3.5-3.8 Review
Mr. Strong will teach PDM for the remainder of the year. Please see him for details. I will be stopping
in from time to time to sub, and you will see me in the buidling subbing for other teachers.