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Announcements Tuesday, December 20th:
Hello Everyone!
Mr. Strong is having surger today, so I will be subbing Tuesday and
Wednesday before break.
Tuesday: Integrated Math 3 - Investigation 2
PDM - Review Chapter 5
Wednesday: Integrated Math 3 - M.O.R.E. problems
PDM - Chapter 5 Test
My mission is to encourage curiosity, promote achievement, and demonstrate integrity
through the learning of young adults.

Students race to see who can build the most objects
per minute. This initiated the day's discussion on
rates, time, and total output.
"I've come to the frighteing conclusion that I am the decisive element
in the classroom. Its' my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather.
As a teacher I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or
an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that
decides whether a crises will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized."
Haim Ginott

While some lessons at Ithaca High School seemed to be best taught through lecture (see above), others were best
uderstood through active learning (see left and below).

Students work together exploring the relationship between the length of a "bridge," the thickness of the bridge, and
the weight it can hold before breaking.
This is a working web site and it will be modified frequently. Be sure
to check for updates and new information.
13931 Bass Lake View Court - Gowen, MI 49326 - (616) 263-0100 - kateypeacock@hotmail.com