Chapter 3 (PDM)
Lesson Plan 3-3: The Logic of Equation Solving.
Content Standards and Benchmarks:
IV,2,2: Develop an understanding
of more complex representations of numbers, including exponential and logarithmic expressions, and select an appropriate representation
to facilitate problem solving.
After reading the lesson the night before, and hearing my short lecture regarding the logic of equation solving, students
will be able to solve equation by applying a function to both sides and taking into account irreversible steps.
Overhead: Use the proof that 1 +1= 1 to show students what can happen when you try and go mathematical operations without
Ø Addition and Multiplication Properties of Equality (Notation)
Ø Reversible steps correspond with if-and-only-if and equivalent
Equations and are 1-1
Ø Nonreversible stops correspond to true if-then statements for which
the converse is false
worries when adding
when multiplying (Can’t * or / by a possible 0)
Ø Checking is the last step to solving an equation
Ø Reversible steps Theorem Page 165
v Answer student questions from the night before.
v Tie in today’s objectives with the questions that are asked.
Guided Practice:
v As the students get more comfortable with the content, I will ask them
to lead me through the problems.
v I may even ask student to come up to the board to do that other
students are confused about problems.
Independent practice:
v Students will be assigned lesson 3-4 to read and do the C.A.R.
problems for the next day.
v “What did we discuss today?”
Ø What is a reversible
Ø How do you know a nonreversible
step has taken place
Ø Checking is the last
step to solving an equation
Ø Reversible Steps Theorem