Content Standards and Benchmarks:
I,1,4: Explore patterns
(graphic, numeric, etc.) characteristic of families of functions; explore structural patterns within systems of objects, operations
or relations.
III, 2, 2: Locate
and describe objects in terms of their orientation and relative position, including displacement (vectors), phase shift, maxima,
minima, and inflection points; give precise mathematical descriptions of symmetries.
After taking the quiz the day before and reviewing it as
a class, students will see what information they did not know for the quiz and will know what they need to study more for
the retake quiz on Monday.
having a class discussion regarding study habits, classroom participation, and homework, students will have a better understanding
of what is expected of them for this class and will also be informed that they will now have homework quizzes.
Anticipatory Set:
Alma College:
Biology 121: 75 studentsà50 (66%) studentsà 28 (37%)
Calculus 122: 50 studentsà32 (64%) students à 26 (52%)
State University:
Physics 133: 1100 studentsà 600 (55%) studentsà 450 (41%)
Calculus 131:1600 studentsà 700 studnets (44%)à 400 (25%)
the importance of good study habits, preparing for the next
class period, going to class, and paying attention in class.
that I am trying to prepare students for college and life;
that I have their best interests at heart. I will always be here to help.
Review Quiz:
Ø Explain what type of problem each problem was
1. Chunking, algebra
2. Review, algebra
3. Chunking, algebra
4. Graph Standardization Theorem
5. Chunking, algebra
6. Graph Standardization Theorem
Ø Do each problem so students can see what their mistakes
Assignment: Study for retake quiz on Monday. Lesson 3-9 is due on Tuesday, be ready for the homework quiz.
Ø Remind students about quiz Monday.
Ø Tell them objectives to be covered
Find ALL zeros of a function
Use chunking to solve complicated
looking problems
Convert x-y form of equationàparametric form (and vice
Apply Transformations to functions
in x-y and x,y,t
Ø Give them tips for success
Find ALL solutions, remember
to handle oscillation of trig
Use calculators to assist you,
not to find the answer
Know definitions, theorems, properties,
laws from the lessons