Student Teaching Placement, EDC 490 Fall 2005, Ithaca High School
§ Taught 4 sections of Core-Plus Mathematics Project Contemporary Mathematics in Context, A Unified Approach,
Course 3 (Junior Level)
§ Taught 1 section of Chicago Math Series Precalculus and Discrete Mathematics, Integrated Mathematics
(Senior Level)
§ Organized Student Council Hurricane Relief Effort Fundraiser
§ Cooperating teacher: Mark Strong, Mathematics Department Head
Classroom phone: (989) 875-3373 ext. 1317
Substitute Teaching Spring 2005-Present
Began substitute teaching at Greenville Public Schools following the end of
the winter 2005 semester at Alma College. Continued substitute teaching at Ithaca
High School while student teaching.
Learning Partner, Literacy, and Service Learning Placement, EDC 346 Fall
§ Worked
closely with a struggling student at Alma’s Alternative Education facility for a total of 12 hours
§ Looked
closely at the student’s experiences of school, literacy, and learning in an effort to see the education system from
a struggling student’s point of view
Teaching in High Schools Placement, EDC 201 Fall 2003
§ Observed the teaching and classroom management of a veteran
teacher, tutored students, assisted students with special needs, prepared and taught lessons, and graded papers for a total
of 40 hours
§ Cooperating teacher:
James Hodges, Vestaburg High School, (989) 268-5343
Introduction to Secondary Education Placement, EDC 200 Winter 2003
§ Examined education from the perspective of a, assisted students with homework, and helped enforce lab etiquette
for a total of 20 hours.
§ Cooperating teacher: Eric O’Brien, Morey Charter School, (989) 866-6739
On Campus Teaching Related Experiences Winter 2002-Winter 2005
§ Alma College
Teacher’s Assistant - Covered classes when professors had conflicts, graded papers, facilitated study sessions,
tutored students in College Algebra and Pre-Calculus
§ Alma College Mathematics Tutor- Tutored individual students by appointment
and held weekly group study sessions for students enrolled in College Algebra, Liberal Arts Mathematics, Pre-Calculus, Brief
Calculus, and Calculus
Alma Middle School Mentor
and Service Learning Experience Spring 2003
Mentored students twice a week for a month at Alma Middle School’s After School Program in mathematics and science
Montcalm Community College Tutor and Teacher’s Aid Summer 2001-Summer 2005
§ Tutored Montcalm Community College students in English,
mathematics, and biology
§ Assisted college students with learning disabilities
and special needs