Content Standards and Benchmarks:
I,1,3: Study and employ mathematical models of patterns to make inferences, predictions
and decisions.
Develop a mathematical concept of function and recognize that functions display
characteristic patterns of change (e.g., linear, quadratic, exponential).
Increase their use of functions and mathematical models to solve problems in context.
After a class discussion regarding
constraints, feasible points and lattice points related to linear programming, students will be determine which combinations
of data satisfy all constraints in a given scenario.
Anticipatory Set:
Ø “How was your Thanksgiving? Did anyone do any traveling
or something fun for the weekend?”
Ø Warm-up: Vendiagram example of limiting domain
Number set of limiting domain
Graphical representation of limiting domain
Introduction to Lesson:
Class Discussion: regarding productivity of a video
game plant
· Assembly time for each product
· Testing time for each product
· Packing time for each product
· Profit per product
Students will begin investigation 1 of lesson
4 today. I will guide them to a deeper understanding of how to model scenarios
mathematically by giving multiple representations of how to set up inequalities using numbers and variables by asking carefully
designed questions.
Guided Practice:
Students will work through the next few problems in the text as I circulate
and guide them through the problems.
Independent practice:
Students will be assigned the OYO on page 68 and the Ex. Set 3 #1
Ø Discuss with the class the reason for staying within particular constraints.
Ø Time
Ø Money
Ø Distance
Ø Personnel
Ø Any others?