Content Standards and Benchmarks:
I,1,4: Explore patterns (graphic, numeric, etc.) characteristic of families of functions;
explore structural patterns within systems of objects, operations or relations.
Develop a mathematical concept of function and recognize that functions display
characteristic patterns of change (e.g., linear, quadratic, exponential).
Increase their use of functions and mathematical models to solve problems in context.
After studying linked variables
and linked equations for the last couple weeks, students will be able to analyze circumstances with multiple variables and
determine the best case scenario for each given situation.
Anticipatory Set:
Ø “How was your weekend? Did you guys enjoy the movie
yesterday? What did you think about it?”
Ø Warm-up: Discuss as a class Pg 54 number 4. Have students help graph solutions
on the board. Emphasize that the solution in the range of x-values (independent values).
Introduction to Lesson:
We have a quiz tomorrow! Today is a study, review, and organize day. All of the following assignments are due
tomorrow. Most of them have already been assigned as homework. The last four MORE problems is the only new assignment. This will be collected tomorrow BEFORE the quiz!