Unit 1, Lesson 3, Investigation 2: Supply and Demand
Content Standards and Benchmarks:
I,1,4: Explore patterns (graphic, numeric, etc.) characteristic of families of functions; explore structural patterns
within systems of objects, operations or relations.
I,2,2: Develop a mathematical concept of function and recognize that functions display characteristic patterns of change
(e.g., linear, quadratic, exponential).
I,2,6: Increase their use of functions
and mathematical models to solve problems in context.
After a class discussion regarding variables that are linked in a
real world situation students will be accustomed to thinking about the possible different variables that are related to situation.
After doing Investigation 1, L1, U1 students will be able to express
and solve scenarios using equations and inequalities.
Anticipatory Set:
Ø Connect with kids: “How was your day off yesterday? What did you do?”
Ø Warm-up: Discuss OYO on Pg. 49, Check Point on
PG 48
Students will begin investigation 2 of lesson 3. I will guide them to a deeper understanding of how to model scenarios mathematically by giving multiple
representations of how to set up equations using numbers and variables and by asking carefully designed questions.
Guided Practice:
Students will work through the next few problems in the text as I circulate and guide them through the
Independent practice:
Students will be assigned M1 on page 57 and the Area packet of problems 1,2,5, 7,8,9a, 11, 12, 14
Ø Discuss with the class about equations, inequalities, and graphs of them.
· “What does it mean when two functions intersect?
· Can they be different types of curves?
· What does it mean when one is lower than the other?
I won’t be here tomorrow L because I have a tournament in Ohio. So now it is Mr. Strong’s turn to fill in for me! J