Standards and Benchmarks Covered in this Lesson
I,1,2: Analyze, interpret
and translate among representations of patterns including tables, charts, graphs, matrices, and vectors.
I,2,2: Develop a mathematical
concept of function and recognize that functions display characteristic patterns of change (e.g., linear, quadratic, exponential).
Anticipatory Set: I will ask a student to help me demonstrate the relationship between rate, time and outcome (distance
production). I will have two students assemble a product (pencil with eraser with a clip) given different restrictions. We
will discuss their productivity individually and collectively.
Objectives: -After a short demonstrations and progressing through the investigation,
the students will be able to write out an equation relating three or more variables that correspond to a given scenario.
- Students will also be able to solve an equation
with n variables given the value of (n-1) variables.
Input: We will first discuss the Maintenance
Master 1b #6 and #7
Discuss solving for zeros/x-intercept/
Discuss geometric shapes
and their properties
If there is
time remaining, students will work through Investigation 3 (Pg 11) in the text, I will guide them to a deeper understanding
of the content by giving multiple representations of the content and by asking carefully designed questions.
Checkpoint Pg 13
Ask students if they
have any questions or comments about the lesson